Year 12 subject enrolments

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Year 12 subject enrolment data is derived from data supplied to the Australian Government Department of Education by state and territory curriculum, assessment and certification authorities.

It shows the number and percentage of Year 12 students enrolled in tertiary-recognised subjects within the 8 learning areas identified for incorporation into the curriculum in the Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians (2008) and confirmed in the Alice Springs (Mparntwe) Education Declaration 2019.

Tertiary recognised subjects are subjects that can contribute to meeting requirements for admission to university or other tertiary education programs (i.e., subjects that contribute towards an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR)).

Data Limitations

When interpreting these results, it is important to keep in mind that: 

  • The data only includes enrolments in tertiary-recognised subjects and cross-disciplinary subjects are not recorded under the 8 learning areas. With the availability of a wider range of senior secondary subjects over the last decade, including more cross-disciplinary subjects and subjects that are not tertiary recognised (e.g., Vocational Education and Training (VET) subjects), the percentage of Year 12 enrolments across all 8 learning areas has declined.

  • Since the data collection began, there have been changes in the available pathways into tertiary studies. Australian universities now offer a range of alternatives to direct entry through an ATAR calculated from tertiary-recognised subjects. These changes, along with changes to course structures and requirements for senior secondary certificates in some states/territories, are likely to have contributed to the decline in the number of Year 12 students enrolled in tertiary-recognised subjects.

  • Students enrolled in more than one subject within an individual learning area are only counted once. For example, students enrolled in both Chemistry and Physics within the Science learning area will be counted only once. With a wider variety of Year 12 subjects available, enrolments in multiple subjects within the same learning area are also likely to have contributed to the decline in the percentage of Year 12 enrolments in each learning area.

  • The data focuses only on Year 12 students. Senior secondary subjects completed before Year 12 are not recorded. With more students taking up the option of completing their senior studies over several years, not all subjects that count towards a Year 12 student’s Senior Certificate of Education (SSCE) will be recorded in this data. For example, in NSW, students can take up to 5 consecutive years to finish their HSC studies, starting from the first year they complete an HSC course.  Further, while most states and territories, it is compulsory to enroll in an English subject in the senior Years of school, this does not necessarily have to be completed in Year 12. For example, in SA, achieving a 'C' grade or higher in at least two semesters of an English subject and at least one semester of a mathematics subject is a requirement for SACE stage 1, which is usually completed in Year 11.

  • Coding of subjects into the 8 key learning areas is done by the certification bodies in each state/territory (ACACAs), resulting in potential inconsistencies. The data is not provided by the Australian Government Department of Education at a state/territory level.

Notes and caveats

    • "Learning areas" correspond to the eight learning areas identified for incorporation into the curriculum in the Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians, 2008 and confirmed in the Alice Springs (Mparntwe) Education Declaration 2019.
    • "Total Year 12 FTE" is calculated as the number of full-time students plus full-time equivalent of part-time students.
    • "Percentage of Year 12 students enrolled" are calculated as the percentage of total Year 12 full-time students.
    • "Total subject enrolments" include cross-disciplinary subjects not recorded under the eight learning areas.
    • "Year 12 enrolments in tertiary-recognised languages" are calculated as a percentage of the sum of enrolments in all Year 12 languages other than English.

Sources: Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment, derived from data supplied by state and territory curriculum, assessment and certification authorities; ABS, Schools, Australia.

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