Science, Foundation – Year 12 (Version 8.4)
The Australian Curriculum: Science includes:
The F–10 Australian Curriculum: Science provides opportunities for students to develop an understanding of:
- important science concepts and processes
- the practices used to develop scientific knowledge
- science’s contribution to our culture and society, and
- science applications in our lives.
The curriculum supports students to develop scientific inquiry methods, a foundation of knowledge across the disciplines of science, and develops an ability to communicate scientific understanding, use evidence to solve problems and make evidence-based decisions about local, national and global issues and to participate, if they so wish, in science-related careers.
The revised Australian Curriculum: Science Foundation – Year 10 was published in December 2015.
Visit the Australian Curriculum website to view .
The development of the Australian Curriculum: Science
The development of the Australian Curriculum: Science began in 2008 with the and continued in 2009 with a that included the definition of Science, the aims of the curriculum, the structure of the curriculum and key terms that would be used in the curriculum.
Writers, supported by F–10 expert advisory group (PDF 123 kb) and developed the curriculum and key stakeholders, including teachers and schools, state and territory education authorities, universities, parents, members of the public and industry and community groups, provided feedback.
The F–10 Australian Curriculum: Science was first published in December 2010.
Following validation of the F–10 achievement standards during 2011, the final F–10 Australian Curriculum: Science (content, achievement standards and work sample portfolio) was published at the end of 2011.
Recommendations of stakeholders were incorporated into the documents. Further consultation with curriculum authorities and professional associations was undertaken prior to the release of the draft senior secondary Australian Curriculum: Science for national public consultation between May and July 2012. The consultation feedback – see –along with national and international feedback contributed to further revisions and consultation with state and territory education authorities in August and September 2012. Final revised and quality assured documents were published in December 2012.
Revised were published on the Australian Curriculum website to support the implementation of the Foundation – Year 10 Australian Curriculum: Science.
The Australian Curriculum: Science was reviewed and the endorsed revised Foundation – Year 10 Australian Curriculum: Science was published in December. Minor changes to some content descriptions were made. These changes were primarily concerned with the conciseness of the content statements and did not involve major changes to content or sequencing.
The Australian Curriculum: Science work samples are being reviewed and updated.