Mathematics, Foundation – Year 12  (Version 8.4)

The Australian Curriculum: Mathematics includes:

The F–10 Australian Curriculum: Mathematics provides students with essential mathematical skills, knowledge and understanding in Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability. It develops the numeracy capabilities that all students require in their personal, work and civic life, and provides the fundamentals on which mathematical specialities and professional applications of mathematics are built. The Australian Curriculum: Mathematics was first published in December 2010 and reviewed in 2014.
The revised Australian Curriculum: Mathematics was published in December 2015.

Development of the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics 


The writing of the F–10 Australian Curriculum: Mathematics commenced in 2009 with expert writers and advisory group (PDF 189 kb) members. The writing of the senior secondary Australian Curriculum: Mathematics was developed with reference to the Shape of the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics document (PDF 274 kb) and the Curriculum Design Paper v. 2.2.
Writing of the senior secondary Australian Curriculum commenced in 2009 with expert writers and advisory group members.


The content for the F–10 Australian Curriculum: Mathematics was first published in December 2010, following extensive consultation with a wide range of stakeholders, critical friend review and international benchmarking. It was developed with reference to the the Shape of the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics document (PDF 274 kb) and the Curriculum Design Paper v. 2.2.
An initial draft of the senior secondary Mathematics subjects was published for national consultation in 2010. Consultation meetings were held throughout June and July 2010, with many groups making submissions. 


Following validation of the F–10 achievement standards during 2011, a revised F–10 Australian Curriculum: Mathematics (content and achievement standards) was published at the end of 2011.
Following consultation and in response to that feedback, writing recommenced in May 2011 and a national forum was held in August 2011.


Further consultation with curriculum authorities and professional associations was undertaken prior to the release of the draft senior secondary Australian Curriculum: Mathematics for national public consultation between May and July 2012. The consultation feedback (see the Draft Senior Secondary Australian Curriculum: Mathematics consultation report (PDF 1.4 mb) along with national and international feedback contributed to further revisions and consultation with state and territory education authorities in August and September 2012. Final revised documents were published in December 2012.


To support the implementation of the Foundation – Year 10 Australian Curriculum: Mathematics, annotated students were published on the Australian Curriculum website.


The Australian Curriculum: Mathematics was reviewed. Based on recommendations from the review, a revised Australian Curriculum: Mathematics was published in December 2015.


The , which draw connections across with the Mathematics learning area and other learning areas, were published on the Australian Curriculum website.


The Australian Curriculum: Mathematics work samples are being reviewed and updated.

Australian Curriculum: Mathematics proficiency strands

The Australian Curriculum: Mathematics includes proficiencies that focus on developing increasingly sophisticated and refined mathematical understanding, fluency, reasoning and problem-solving skills. These proficiencies enable students to respond to familiar and unfamiliar situations by employing mathematical strategies to make informed decisions and solve problems efficiently.
The proficiency strands describe the actions in which students can engage when learning and using the content of the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics. Illustrations of practice can be viewed on the of the Australian Curriculum website.
Curriculum maths