Humanities and Social Sciences, Foundation – Year 12 (Version 8.4)
The Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) learning area includes:
At the same time, the the Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) learning area comprises multiple subjects. The F–6/7 Australian Curriculum: HASS comprises four sub-strands:
- History (commences in Foundation)
- Geography (commences in Foundation)
- Civics and Citizenship (commences in Year 3)
- Economics and Business (commences in Year 5).
In Years 7–10 these are:
- 7–10 Australian Curriculum: History
- 7–10 Australian Curriculum: Geography
- 7–10 Australian Curriculum: Economics and Business
- 7–10 Australian Curriculum: Civics and Citizenship.
The Humanities and Social Sciences subjects involve the study of human behaviour and interaction in social, cultural, environmental, economic and political contexts. The focus is historical and contemporary, it incorporates perspectives ranging from personal to global. The aim is to support students to develop the ability to question, think critically, solve problems, communicate effectively, make decisions and adapt to change as active and informed citizens.
The revised F–10 Australian Curriculum: Humanities and Social Sciences was published in November 2015.
Visit the Australian Curriculum website to view Foundation – Year 10 Australian Curriculum: HASS:
The development of the Australian Curriculum: Humanities and Social Sciences
The development of the F–10 Australian Curriculum: History began with the creating the to assist writers to prepare learning area content. A national forum was held in October 2009. Writing commenced with expert writers and advisory group members, following extensive consultation with a wide range of stakeholders, critical friend review and international benchmarking.
The content of the F–10 Australian Curriculum: History was first published.
The formulation of the F–12 Australian Curriculum: Geography commenced with the development of a shape paper to assist writers to prepare learning area content. A national forum was held in April 2010.
Initial drafts of 11–12 Australian Curriculum: Ancient History and 11–12 Australian Curriculum: Modern History were presented for consultation and feedback. A national forum was held in August 2011.
The achievement standards for F–10 Australian Curriculum: History were validated, student work samples were published and the F–10 Australian Curriculum: History (content and achievement standards) was republished.
The was published. Writing began with expert writers and advisory group members following extensive consultation with a wide range of stakeholders, critical friend review and international benchmarking.
The development of the 3–10 Australian Curriculum: Civics and Citizenship began with a shape paper to assist writers to prepare learning area content. A national forum was held in March 2012.
The development of the 5–10 Australian Curriculum: Economics and Business began with a shape paper to assist writers to prepare learning area content. A national forum was held in June 2012.
A draft F–10 Australian Curriculum: Geography was made available for consultation and the achievement standards for F–10 Geography were validated.
The Shape of the and the were published. Writing began with expert writers and advisory group members, following extensive consultation with a wide range of stakeholders, critical friend review and international benchmarking.
The 11–12 Australian Curriculum: Ancient History and 11–12 Australian Curriculum: Modern History were published.
The F–10 Australian Curriculum: Geography (content and achievement standards) was published. The 11–12 Australian Curriculum: Geography was published. The achievement standards for 3–10 Australian Curriculum: Civics and Citizenship were validated. The achievement standards for 5–10 Australian Curriculum: Economics and Business were validated.
Following the review of the Australian Curriculum, the Humanities and Social Sciences learning area was restructured. The separate knowledge and skills of F–6/7 History and Geography were incorporated into the new F–6/7 Australian Curriculum: Humanities and Social Sciences, using four revised sub-strands: History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship, and Economics and Business. Revisions were made to the content of 7–10 Australian Curriculum: History and 7–10 Australian Curriculum: Geography. The 7–10 Australian Curriculum: Civics and Citizenship, and 7–10 Australian Curriculum: Economics and Business were published.
The that draw connections across with the Humanities and Social Sciences learning area and other learning areas were published on the Australian Curriculum website.
to demonstrate student achievement in 7–10 Australian Curriculum: Geography, 7–10 Australian Curriculum: Civics and Citizenship and 7–10 Australian Curriculum: Economics and Business were published on the Australian Curriculum website. Work sample portfolios to demonstrate student achievement in F–6/7 Humanities and Social Sciences and 7–10 History were revised.